Hi, People of Tomorrow!

We are excited to announce the upcoming The Indonesian Medical Students’ Training and Competition (IMSTC) AMSA-Indonesia is one of the annual national events of AMSA-Indonesia which upholds AMSA’s knowledge philosophy. With this e-mail, AMSA-Universitas Indonesia announces the opening of competition submissions for the Indonesian Medical Students’ Training and Competition (IMSTC) AMSA-Indonesia 2025, with the theme:


“REBORN: Unraveling Obstetrics and Gynecology Problems and Potential Approaches.”


We would like to inform you that the competition submission period will be open from December 11 until December 27, 2024. The following categories are available for competition submissions: 

  • Scientific Paper
  • Scientific Poster
  • Public Poster
  • Photography
  • Videography


We encourage each AMSA-university to send their respective delegates for the competition. To ensure a successful submission process, please take a moment to carefully review and follow all the steps outlined in the submission guidelines. We would like to remind you of the following important points:


Before submitting the registration form, please ensure that you have followed and understood these points:

  • Prospective registrants must comply with several rules to agree to take part in this event, which are attached below:
  • This competition is only available for active members of AMSA-Indonesia who are still in the pre-clinic.
  • Make sure that every piece of information required has been valid and written correctly.
  • Please take a look at the dates of each series of events, because we have no tolerance for any delays in collecting forms and payments.

Attached to this e-mail, you will find the Submission Guidelines and the Competition Handbook for detailed instructions. Should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us using the information provided below.

Octaviona Kusuma, Oei

Head Coordinator of Academic Events Indonesian Medical Students’ Training and Competition (IMSTC) AMSA-Indonesia 2025

Phone Number: +6282314244142

Official E-mail:

Personal E-mail:

LINE ID: octavionakusumaoei13


Thank you, AMSA-Indonesia. Viva AMSA!